
Elder Solera came in to be my companion. Woah! He's my 16th companion
now. Woohooo! He's really funny and kind too. Elder Apuhin's companion
is Elder Calo, the same 'Calo' who trained my batch. Oh, by the way,
Elder Urbano came in as well. He's with Elder Acido who's our Zone
Leader. Well, the epic thing is, we all been assigned in Bangued Zone.
And everyone of us can share stories how cool that area is.

Well, everything came really fast. I didn't really think that transfer is coming again.
yes, this is week 6 and we know what week 6 is. Not that I'm trunky,
but I really hate the feeling when you're about to leave the area. It's
hard, really hard. feels like I'm leaving a lot of family. Gonna leave a
lot of part of me. Daaang. My companion asked me if I'm still not used
of this kind of thing, about getting transfer and leaving the area. I
told him that I will never get used to this. It's really hard, how can
you leave your family? I can't think of a reason to do that. But I
remember a quote saying that, ''all good things must come to an end''.
Yea, I don't know, that quote suddenly came to my mind when I'm about to
break down and cry. Hahaha! not really. But yea, It's part of mission
life, but not with eternity, 😁😁

I'm getting transferred to San Fernando Ward with Elder Pecaoco. He's from Bacolod and really a good missionary.
( My MTC District Leader sent me a Hi note, Haha! talk about effort!)
My Tatay! (Elder Aries)
Dragon Fruit! (Taste like Guava tho, Hahaha!)
Tryin' to do an epic pose. #Modeling101
Branch Presidency
I truly testify that if you just enjoy your mission, in the best possible way that you can, 24 months or 18 months would be really fast. There's a lot of thing this experience has to offer, and it's within your grasp if you're going to enjoy it or get rid of it. Of course, the best option is to enjoy it. I've been with these folks for about 5 months now, and everytime I think about the time I got here, all I can think about is that IT"S REALLY FAST! Enjoy the field, enjoying the field with the Spirit!
God knows best 😁
That's all folks.
All love from your homie.
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