So here it goes! (cough)
Naimbag a bigat kenyayo amin!!! Kamusta ti biag yo mga kabsat? :) Siak? Mayatmet! Naimbag met!
Haha! Just trippin' with some of mainstream ilocano that we're trying to say every time we get to meet an Investigator :D Well, anyway! How are you folks? This week is transfer week! So I bet you already knew how/what I feel in times like this :) (Saaaaaaaad!)
This week went pretty well, we had baptism last Saturday and the kid got confirmed the other day. You know what? That family was in-active for 2 years. And we just found out that, that kid (Matt Ivan Lino) was not yet baptized. So we work it out, and eventually they accept the invitation to go back to church . That family is special, they've got a big and strong testimony about the Church and the Spirit really works on them. Now, they are striving really hard to get back on track and enjoy again the blessings of the Gospel :) And for me that's a miracle. Miracle works in many ways, don't you think? That Kid wanted to serve a Mission someday, he told us that He and his Sister wanted to got to the field one day and just serve and share the Gospel. And it just melts our hearts that they also had that burning desire. :)
Me and Elder Dela Cruz are really happy about our work, because, after a long time of drought, we finally get someone to baptize and feel the truthfulness of the Gospel. It's just too bad that Elder Dela Cruz is getting transferred tomorrow. We still have 12 IBD's and all of them are progressing, 8 of them are next in line this coming November, hopefully this coming month we can achieve having a 'weekly baptism'.. And we're not doing this for the Zone, nor for the Mission.. We had this mindset, (Me and my companion) that we're going to do this for them. We're going to strive really hard to share the Gospel and teach them about Jesus Christ. So with that, we're happy to teach and the Spirit is motivating us to work hard. Their salvation is upon our hands. and without us, they can't get in to the kingdom of God. So we need to work. :)
**About the typhoon? It didn't hit us that much but with my previous area they are wrecked. I was told that until now they don't have any power or water line in Abra. But please, please include them in your prayers :)
**a while ago we we're granted to do some Zone Activity. We hike on some mountains on our area and it's good! the view was fascinating and relaxing. Woohoo! So we just went there and play and ate some snacks.
Elder Galon

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