Heyy folks! How are you?? Hoping that you guys are doing great!
You know what? Last week was really something! It was fun and our work got even fruitful than ever :D
Remember when I say that we hiked last week? Haha! So yea, the thing on the horizon is just the West Philippine Sea, It has an Island that still part of Area. HAHA! Woohoo!
First off! Transfer day! My 4th and new companion is Elder Ortega. (''Ortega'' are well known people here in La Union
) Well anyways, yea, so he's my new companion now, he's a clown! (When I'm with Elder Ortega I remember my friend who's happily serving in Iloilo Mission! Haha) but he's good and kind. We're really excited to smash the area with baptisms! Woohoo! BTW, we still have 13 IBD's and 10 of them are progressing! (Isn't that something?!)
Second is our baptism! Woohoo! 2nd in the row!
So here you go, this is Tavora Family. This family is special to me, they are near to my heart
You know why? The Father, Bro Marlon Tavora was inactive for 8 consecutive years!, he's been a member of the Church for such a long time, however due to some circumstances, he's unable to attend church on Sunday. So that made him not go to church.... BUT!!!!! Just a month ago, we decided to visit him and his children. They are so sweet! They always give us snacks! Haha! (Kidding) Bro Marlon always wanted to baptize his daughters, and that way of thinking is amazing. (A father who wanted his daughters to grow up in the Church. Knowing its standards and belief
) He's a solo parent but I admire his dedication to teach his daughters about the ways of the Church.. So previous Missionaries visited them, they struggle going to church on Sundays however we taught about it's importance. And luckily they accepted our invitation! So yea, he started working up on his daughter's baptisms! And they progress and pray and read and go to church every Sunday. Whenever we walk by their house we hear Jian read the Book of Mormon out loud. Haha! And last Saturday was the big day for them! The 2 kids got baptized and confirmed by their own father :) And the moment when Brother Marlon bore his testimony about the church, it melts our heart and brought us to tears. The Spirit works in many ways. And I testify of that 
So.. if you're going to ask how well I am today? I can say that I'm great, tho there are also times when I get sad (That's the inevitable part for missionaries. We get sad too y'know!) Usually I'm happy when it's Monday! Haha! (If you know what I mean :P Haha. So yea, that's all folks. Thank you for reading! Email you next Monday! :)
PS: Please send me letters! ^-^
Sending my love from La Union!
Elder Galon

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