Haha. Hearing people greeting one another with Merry Christmas makes me miss my home stake, home ward, and my FAMILY Haha! Guess I just had my separation-anxiety right before my 8th month here in the field. HAHA! Jeez! it took so long to take it's effect. Haha! Please bear with me, its my very first Christmas season faraway from home :) But don't worry. I'm all good,

Well, I really hate transfer. Haha! Guess what? I got transferred to Baguio Zone, here in La Trinidad Ward
Woohooo! from low land to highland with a lot of pollution! Seriously tho, its so hard to transition from HIGH HEAT to SUPER COLD environment plus having a special skill not to breathe smokes. Haha! (I can call myself a CERTIFIED BAGUIO MISSIONARY. HAHA!) It's alright tho. I always pray to open up a new area in Mt. Province.. We're on trio right now.. And it's still not sure if we're going to get along the whole transfer. One might move to Mt. Province and open a new branch there! (the other companionship is on trio too) Isn't it amazing?! Just to let you know, a lot of members traveled 4 hours just to attend Sunday Service here in Baguio. They are from Sagada, Cervantes, Buntok. And sometimes they can only attend once a month Sunday Service because of some circumstances. I know the Lord will bless them because of their faith
I just know it. And of course one of it would be the upcoming new branch or district. Please, please include them in your prayers.
And you know what? Christmas season, specially this December means a lot to me. Why? Because exactly 5 years ago.. I can reminisce the things I've done, the things I gave up, things I sacrificed to have this gospel in my life. If you haven't realize it, dates from 2011 and 2016 are the same :) So yeah, this coming December 24, 2016 would be my 5th year anniversary, being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. The Church is true, the gospel is real. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves us so much. I know that the Book of Mormon can change your life. It changed mine forever. I know it can change yours too. Believe me, ponder about it.. pray for it..
I'm not a perfect Missionary, never was I :) I got tons of ups and downs. But I'm trying to learn and improve. But I know I'm not the same that I was before. My Mission President taught me that, ''There will only be 1 convert in your whole mission life, it will be YOU. Mission will not change you, the GOSPEL will''
So believe in yourself. Know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will never leave you. It is not their nature, it is never their nature to do so. Its true that the first and greatest commandment is ''To love God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.'' But the first great truth, is that God loves us, with all of his heart, his soul, and his mind
Alrighty, that's it for now. Gotta send some photos next week!
Cheers for a Merry Christmas ^-^